Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb He... Bertemu lagi Dengan Muhammad Febrian Disini Ane Mau Ngejelasin Tentang CARA MERAKIT KOMPUTER Berikut
ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana cara merakit komputer, terutama
bagi mereka yang baru belajar .. dari beberapa referensi yang saya
pelajari .. maka berikut ini akan dijelaskan langkah demi langkah cara
merakit komputer, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat
perakit komputer tersedia di pasaran dengan beragam pilihan kualitas
dan harga. Dengan merakit sendiri komputer, kita dapat menentukan jenis
komponen, kemampuan serta fasilitas dari komputer sesuai kebutuhan.Tahapan dalam perakitan komputer terdiri dari:
A. Persiapan
B. Perakitan
C. Pengujian
D. Penanganan Masalah
B. Perakitan
C. Pengujian
D. Penanganan Masalah
yang baik akan memudahkan dalam perakitan komputer serta menghindari
permasalahan yang mungkin timbul.Hal yang terkait dalam persiapan
- Penentuan Konfigurasi Komputer
- Persiapan Kompunen dan perlengkapan
- Pengamanan
Penentuan Konfigurasi Komputer
komputer berkait dengan penentuan jenis komponen dan fitur dari
komputer serta bagaimana seluruh komponen dapat bekerja sebagai sebuah
sistem komputer sesuai keinginan kita.Penentuan komponen dimulai dari
jenis prosessor, motherboard, lalu komponen lainnya. Faktor kesesuaian
atau kompatibilitas dari komponen terhadap motherboard harus
diperhatikan, karena setiap jenis motherboard mendukung jenis prosessor,
modul memori, port dan I/O bus yang berbeda-beda.
Persiapan Komponen dan Perlengkapan
komputer beserta perlengkapan untuk perakitan dipersiapkan untuk
perakitan dipersiapkan lebih dulu untuk memudahkan perakitan.
Perlengkapan yang disiapkan terdiri dari:
- Komponen komputer
- Kelengkapan komponen seperti kabel, sekerup, jumper, baut dan sebagainya
- Buku manual dan referensi dari komponen
- Alat bantu berupa obeng pipih dan philips
Software sistem operasi, device driver dan program aplikasi.
manual diperlukan sebagai rujukan untuk mengatahui diagram posisi dari
elemen koneksi (konektor, port dan slot) dan elemen konfigurasi (jumper
dan switch) beserta cara setting jumper dan switch yang sesuai untuk
komputer yang dirakit.Diskette atau CD Software diperlukan untuk
menginstall Sistem Operasi, device driver dari piranti, dan program
aplikasi pada komputer yang selesai dirakit.
pengamanan diperlukan untuk menghindari masalah seperti kerusakan
komponen oleh muatan listrik statis, jatuh, panas berlebihan atau
tumpahan cairan.Pencegahan kerusakan karena listrik statis dengan cara:
- Menggunakan gelang anti statis atau menyentuh permukaan logam pada casing sebelum memegang komponen untuk membuang muatan statis.
Tahapan proses pada perakitan komputer terdiri dari:
- Penyiapan motherboard
- Memasang Prosessor
- Memasang heatsink
- Memasang Modul Memori
- memasang Motherboard pada Casing
- Memasang Power Supply
- Memasang Kabel Motherboard dan Casing
- Memasang Drive
- Memasang card Adapter
1. Penyiapan motherboard
buku manual motherboard untuk mengetahui posisi jumper untuk pengaturan
CPU speed, speed multiplier dan tegangan masukan ke motherboard. Atur
seting jumper sesuai petunjuk, kesalahan mengatur jumper tegangan dapat
merusak prosessor.
2. Memasang Prosessor
lebih mudah dipasang sebelum motherboard menempati casing. Cara
memasang prosessor jenis socket dan slot berbeda.Jenis socket
- Tentukan posisi pin 1 pada prosessor dan socket prosessor di motherboard, umumnya terletak di pojok yang ditandai dengan titik, segitiga atau lekukan.
- Tegakkan posisi tuas pengunci socket untuk membuka.
- Masukkan prosessor ke socket dengan lebih dulu menyelaraskan posisi kaki-kaki prosessor dengan lubang socket. rapatkan hingga tidak terdapat celah antara prosessor dengan socket.
- Turunkan kembali tuas pengunci.
Jenis Slot
- Pasang penyangga (bracket) pada dua ujung slot di motherboard sehingga posisi lubang pasak bertemu dengan lubang di motherboard
- Masukkan pasak kemudian pengunci pasak pada lubang pasak
Selipkan card prosessor di antara kedua penahan dan tekan hingga tepat masuk ke lubang slot.
3. Memasang Heatsink
heatsink adalah membuang panas yang dihasilkan oleh prosessor lewat
konduksi panas dari prosessor ke heatsink.Untuk mengoptimalkan
pemindahan panas maka heatsink harus dipasang rapat pada bagian atas
prosessor dengan beberapa clip sebagai penahan sedangkan permukaan
kontak pada heatsink dilapisi gen penghantar panas.Bila heatsink
dilengkapi dengan fan maka konektor power pada fan dihubungkan ke
konektor fan pada motherboard.
4. Memasang Modul Memori
memori umumnya dipasang berurutan dari nomor socket terkecil. Urutan
pemasangan dapat dilihat dari diagram motherboard.Setiap jenis modul
memori yakni SIMM, DIMM dan RIMM dapat dibedakan dengan posisi lekukan
pada sisi dan bawah pada modul.Cara memasang untuk tiap jenis modul
memori sebagai berikut.
Jenis SIMM
- Sesuaikan posisi lekukan pada modul dengan tonjolan pada slot.
- Masukkan modul dengan membuat sudut miring 45 derajat terhadap slot
- Dorong hingga modul tegak pada slot, tuas pengunci pada slot akan otomatis mengunci modul.
Jenis DIMM dan RIMM
memasang modul DIMM dan RIMM sama dan hanya ada satu cara sehingga
tidak akan terbalik karena ada dua lekukan sebagai panduan. Perbedaanya DIMM dan RIMM pada posisi lekukan
- Rebahkan kait pengunci pada ujung slot
- sesuaikan posisi lekukan pada konektor modul dengan tonjolan pada slot. lalu masukkan modul ke slot.
- Kait pengunci secara otomatis mengunci modul pada slot bila modul sudah tepat terpasang.
Motherboard dipasang ke casing dengan sekerup dan dudukan (standoff). Cara pemasangannya sebagai berikut:
- Tentukan posisi lubang untuk setiap dudukan plastik dan logam. Lubang untuk dudukan logam (metal spacer) ditandai dengan cincin pada tepi lubang.
- Pasang dudukan logam atau plastik pada tray casing sesuai dengan posisi setiap lubang dudukan yang sesuai pada motherboard.
- Tempatkan motherboard pada tray casing sehinga kepala dudukan keluar dari lubang pada motherboard. Pasang sekerup pengunci pada setiap dudukan logam.
- Pasang bingkai port I/O (I/O sheild) pada motherboard jika ada.
- Pasang tray casing yang sudah terpasang motherboard pada casing dan kunci dengan sekerup.

6. Memasang Power Supply
Beberapa jenis casing sudah dilengkapi power supply. Bila power supply belum disertakan maka cara pemasangannya sebagai berikut:
- Masukkan power supply pada rak di bagian belakang casing. Pasang ke empat buah sekerup pengunci.
- HUbungkan konektor power dari power supply ke motherboard. Konektor power jenis ATX hanya memiliki satu cara pemasangan sehingga tidak akan terbalik. Untuk jenis non ATX dengan dua konektor yang terpisah maka kabel-kabel ground warna hitam harus ditempatkan bersisian dan dipasang pada bagian tengah dari konektor power motherboard. Hubungkan kabel daya untuk fan, jika memakai fan untuk pendingin CPU.

7. Memasang Kabel Motherboard dan Casing
Setelah motherboard terpasang di casing langkah selanjutnya adalah memasang kabel I/O pada motherboard dan panel dengan casing.
- Pasang kabel data untuk floppy drive pada konektor pengontrol floppy di motherboard
- Pasang kabel IDE untuk pada konektor IDE primary dan secondary pada motherboard.
- Untuk motherboard non ATX. Pasang kabel port serial dan pararel pada konektor di motherboard. Perhatikan posisi pin 1 untuk memasang.
- Pada bagian belakang casing terdapat lubang untuk memasang port tambahan jenis non slot. Buka sekerup pengunci pelat tertutup lubang port lalumasukkan port konektor yang ingin dipasang dan pasang sekerup kembali.
- Bila port mouse belum tersedia di belakang casing maka card konektor mouse harus dipasang lalu dihubungkan dengan konektor mouse pada motherboard.
- Hubungan kabel konektor dari switch di panel depan casing, LED, speaker internal dan port yang terpasang di depan casing bila ada ke motherboard. Periksa diagram motherboard untuk mencari lokasi konektor yang tepat.



8. Memasang Drive
Prosedur memasang drive hardisk, floppy, CD ROM, CD-RW atau DVD adalah sama sebagai berikut:
- Copot pelet penutup bay drive (ruang untuk drive pada casing)
- Masukkan drive dari depan bay dengan terlebih dahulu mengatur seting jumper (sebagai master atau slave) pada drive.
- Sesuaikan posisi lubang sekerup di drive dan casing lalu pasang sekerup penahan drive.
- Hubungkan konektor kabel IDE ke drive dan konektor di motherboard (konektor primary dipakai lebih dulu)
- Ulangi langkah 1 samapai 4 untuk setiap pemasangan drive.
- Bila kabel IDE terhubung ke du drive pastikan perbedaan seting jumper keduanya yakni drive pertama diset sebagai master dan lainnya sebagai slave.
- Konektor IDE secondary pada motherboard dapat dipakai untuk menghubungkan dua drive tambahan.
- Floppy drive dihubungkan ke konektor khusus floppy di motherboard
Sambungkan kabel power dari catu daya ke masing-masing drive.
9. Memasang Card Adapter
adapter yang umum dipasang adalah video card, sound, network, modem dan
SCSI adapter. Video card umumnya harus dipasang dan diinstall sebelum
card adapter lainnya. Cara memasang adapter:
- Pegang card adapter pada tepi, hindari menyentuh komponen atau rangkaian elektronik. Tekan card hingga konektor tepat masuk pada slot ekspansi di motherboard
- Pasang sekerup penahan card ke casing
- Hubungkan kembali kabel internal pada card, bila ada.
10. Penyelessaian Akhir
- Pasang penutup casing dengan menggeser
- sambungkan kabel dari catu daya ke soket dinding.
- Pasang konektor monitor ke port video card.
- Pasang konektor kabel telepon ke port modem bila ada.
- Hubungkan konektor kabel keyboard dan konektor mouse ke port mouse atau poert serial (tergantung jenis mouse).
- Hubungkan piranti eksternal lainnya seperti speaker, joystick, dan microphone bila ada ke port yang sesuai. Periksa manual dari card adapter untuk memastikan lokasi port.

Komputer yang baru selesai dirakit dapat diuji dengan menjalankan program setup BIOS. Cara melakukan pengujian dengan program BIOS sebagai berikut:
- Hidupkan monitor lalu unit sistem. Perhatikan tampilan monitor dan suara dari speaker.
- Program FOST dari BIOS secara otomatis akan mendeteksi hardware yang terpasang dikomputer. Bila terdapat kesalahan maka tampilan monitor kosong dan speaker mengeluarkan bunyi beep secara teratur sebagai kode indikasi kesalahan. Periksa referensi kode BIOS untuk mengetahui indikasi kesalahan yang dimaksud oleh kode beep.
- Jika tidak terjadi kesalahan maka monitor menampilkan proses eksekusi dari program POST. ekan tombol interupsi BIOS sesuai petunjuk di layar untuk masuk ke program setup BIOS.
- Periksa semua hasil deteksi hardware oleh program setup BIOS. Beberapa seting mungkin harus dirubah nilainya terutama kapasitas hardisk dan boot sequence.
- Simpan perubahan seting dan keluar dari setup BIOS.
keluar dari setup BIOS, komputer akan meload Sistem OPerasi dengan
urutan pencarian sesuai seting boot sequence pada BIOS. Masukkan diskette atau CD Bootable yang berisi sistem operasi pada drive pencarian.
Penanganan Masalah
Permasalahan yang umum terjadi dalam perakitan komputer dan penanganannya antara lain:
- Komputer atau monitor tidak menyala, kemungkinan disebabkan oleh switch atau kabel daya belum terhubung.
- Card adapter yang tidak terdeteksi disebabkan oleh pemasangan card belum pas ke slot/
dari hardisk, floppy atau CD menyala terus disebabkan kesalahan
pemasangan kabel konektor atau ada pin yang belum pas terhubung.
Selamat Mencoba dan Semoga Bermanfaat.
HOW TO ASSEMBLE COMPUTERAssalamualaikum wr.wb He ... Meet again By Muhammad Hidalgo Here Ane Want Ngejelasin About HOW TO ASSEMBLE COMPUTER The following will be discussed on how to assemble a computer, especially for those who are just learning .. from a few references that I learned .. then the following will be explained step by step how to assemble a computer, hopefully useful
Components of computer assemblers are available on the market with a wide selection of quality and price. By assembling your own computer, we can determine the type of component, capabilities and facilities of the computer according kebutuhan.Tahapan in computer assembly consists of:
A. PreparationB. AssemblingC. TestingD. Handling Problems
Good preparation will facilitate the assembly of the computer and avoids problems that may be related timbul.Hal in preparation include:
Computer Configuration Determination
Kompunen preparation and equipment
Computer Configuration Determination
Computer configuration relates to the determination of types of components and features of the computer and how all the components can work as a computer system according to desire kita.Penentuan starting components of the type of processor, motherboard and other components. Factors suitability or compatibility of the components on the motherboard must be considered, because each type of motherboard supports the type of processor, memory modules, ports and I / O bus is different.
Preparation Components and Supplies
Computer components and assembly equipment for assembly prepared to be prepared in advance to facilitate assembly. Supplies are prepared consisting of:
Computer components
Completeness of components such as wires, screws, jumpers, bolts, etc.
Manuals and reference books from the component
Aids in the form of flat and philips screwdriver
Software operating system, device drivers and application programs.
Needed as a reference manual to know the position of the element connection diagram (connectors, ports and slots) and element configuration (jumpers and switches) and how to setting jumpers and switches are suitable for computer or CD dirakit.Diskette Software is required to install the Operating System, device drivers from the device, and application programs on a computer that is assembled.
Security measures needed to avoid problems such as damage to components by static electric charge, fall, or spill cairan.Pencegahan excessive heat damage due to static electricity by:
Using anti-static wristband or touching a metal surface on the chassis before handling components to remove static charge.
Does not directly touch the electronic components, connectors or circuit paths but hold on a metal or plastic bodies contained in the component.
Stage of the process on a computer assembly consists of:
Preparing the motherboard
Replacing the Processor
Installing the heatsink
Installing the Memory Module
install the motherboard on the casing
Installing the Power Supply
Installing the Motherboard and VGA Cables
Installing the Drive
Install the adapter card
Final Settlement
1. Preparing the motherboard
Check the motherboard manual to locate the jumper settings for CPU speed, speed multiplier and input voltage to the motherboard. Set a jumper according to instructions, set the jumpers wrong voltage can damage the processor.
2. Replacing the Processor
Processor is more easily inserted before the motherboard occupies the casing. How to install the processor socket and the slot type socket berbeda.Jenis
Determine the position of pin 1 on the processor and the processor socket on the motherboard, generally located at the corner marked with dots, triangles or indentation.
Enforce the position of the locking lever to open the socket.
Insert the processor into the socket by first aligning the position of the legs of the processor with the socket holes. Squeeze until there is no gap between the processor with the socket.
Lower the locking lever back.
Type of Slot
Replace buffer (bracket) at the two ends of the slots on the motherboard so that the position of the peg holes with a hole in the motherboard meet
Insert the pegs on a peg and locking peg holes
Slide the card between the retaining processor and press into a hole right through the slot.
3. Installing the Heatsink
The function of heatsink is to remove the heat generated by the processor through the conduction of heat from the processor to optimize heat transfer heatsink.Untuk the heatsink should be fitted tightly on the top of the processor by some as the retaining clip on the heatsink while the contact surface coated conductor panas.Bila gene equipped with a fan heatsink then the power connector on the fan is connected to the fan connectors on the motherboard.
4. Installing the Memory Module
Memory modules are generally installed sequentially from the smallest socket number. The order of installation can be seen from the diagram motherboard.Setiap type of memory module that is SIMM, DIMM and RIMM can be distinguished by the position of the grooves on the sides and bottom of the modul.Cara set for each type of memory module as follows.
Types SIMM
Adjust the position of a notch on the module with the bumps in the slot.
Insert the module by making an oblique angle of 45 degrees to the slot
Push the module straight up in the slot, the locking lever on the slot will automatically lock the module.
Type DIMM and RIMM
How to install the DIMM and RIMM modules together and there is only one way so it will not be reversed because there are two grooves as a guide. The difference DIMM and RIMM at position curve
Lay lock latch on the end of the slot
adjust the position of grooves on the connector module with bumps in the slot. and insert the module into the slot.
Lock latch automatically locks the module in the slot when the module is installed right.
5. Replacing the motherboard on the casing
Motherboard mounted to the chassis with screws and holder (standoff). How to install as follows:
Determine the position of mounting holes for each plastic and metal. The hole for the metal holder (metal spacers) is characterized by a ring at the edge of the hole.
Attach metal or plastic holder on the tray casing according to the position of each corresponding mounting holes on the motherboard.
Place the motherboard on the tray so that the head casing holder out of the hole on the motherboard. Replace the locking screw on each metal holder.
Attach frame I / O ports (I / O Shield) on the motherboard if any.
Replace the casing tray that the motherboard is mounted on the chassis with screws and key.
6. Installing the Power Supply
Several types of casing is equipped with power supply. When the power supply is not included then the way the installation is as follows:
Insert the power supply on the shelf at the back of the casing. Attach the four locking screws.
Connect the power connector from the power supply to the motherboard. ATX power connector types have only one way of installation so it will not be reversed. For this type of non-ATX with two connectors that separate the ground wires should be placed side by side in black and mounted in the middle of the motherboard power connector. Connect the power cord for the fan, if using a fan for cooling the CPU.
7. Installing the Motherboard and VGA Cables
After the motherboard mounted on the casing next step is to install the cable I / O panel on the motherboard and the casing.
Connect the data cable to the floppy drive controller on a floppy connector on the motherboard
Attach the IDE cable to the primary and secondary IDE connector on the motherboard.
For non-ATX motherboard. Connect the serial and parallel port cable to the connector on the motherboard. Note the position of pin 1 to install.
On the back of the casing there is a hole to install additional types of non-slot port. Open the lock plate screw holes covered lalumasukkan port connector port that you want to install and replace a screw back.
When the mouse port on the back of the casing is not available then the mouse connector card must be installed and connected to the mouse connector on the motherboard.
Wiring connectors on the front panel of the switch casing, LED, internal speaker and the port on the front of the casing when plugged into the motherboard there. Check the motherboard diagram to locate the proper connector.
8. Installing the Drive
The procedure to install the hard disk drive, floppy, CD ROM, CD-RW or DVD is the same as follows:
Remove the drive bay cover pellets (space to drive on the casing)
Enter from the front drive bays with first set the jumper settings (as master or slave) on the drive.
Adjust the position of the screw holes on the drive and the casing and replace the retaining screw drive.
Connect the IDE cable connector to the drive and the connector on the motherboard (primary connector is used first)
Repeat steps 1 samapai 4 for each installation of the drive.
If the IDE cable is connected to both drive jumper settings make sure the difference in both the first drive set as master and the other as slave.
Secondary IDE connector on the motherboard can be used to connect two additional drives.
Floppy drive is connected to a special connector on the motherboard floppy
Connect the power cable from the power supply to each drive.
9. Installing the Adapter Card
A common adapter card is installed for video cards, sound, network, modem and SCSI adapters. Video card should generally be mounted and installed prior to any other adapter cards. How to install the adapter:
Hold the adapter card at the edges, avoid touching the components or electronic circuits. Press the card until the connectors fit in the expansion slot on the motherboard
Replace the retaining screw to the chassis card
Reconnect the internal cables to the card, if any.
10. Penyelessaian End
Replace the chassis cover by sliding
connect the cable from the power supply into the wall socket.
Plug the monitor into the video card port.
Plug the telephone cord into the modem port if any.
Connect the keyboard cable connector and plug the mouse into the mouse port or serial poert (depending on the type of mouse).
Connect the other external devices such as speakers, joysticks, and microphones when there are to the corresponding port. Check the manual of the adapter cards to ensure the location of the port.
The new computer is assembled can be tested by running the BIOS setup program. How to do the testing with the BIOS program as follows:
Turn on the monitor and system unit. Note the look of the monitor and the sound from the speakers.
FOST program of the BIOS will automatically detect the hardware installed dikomputer. If there are errors then display a blank monitor and the speaker emits an audible as an indication of an error code. Check the reference BIOS code to find an error indication is meant by a beep code.
If no error occurs then the monitor displays the execution of the POST program. ekan BIOS interrupt button as instructed on the screen to enter the BIOS setup program.
Check all the hardware detection by the BIOS setup program. Some settings may have changed in value, especially the capacity of hard drives and boot sequence.
Save the changes to the settings and exit the BIOS setup.
After exiting the BIOS setup, the computer will load the operating system with appropriate search order settings in the BIOS boot sequence. Insert the bootable diskette or CD containing the operating system to drive the search.
Handling Problems
Problems that commonly occur in computer assembly and handling, among others:
Computer or monitor is not lit, probably caused by the switch or power cord disconnected.
Card adapter not detected due to the installation of card not fitting into the slot /
LED of the hard disk, floppy or CD burning continues due to an error existing wiring connectors or pins are not connected right. Good luck and I hope helpful.
HOW TO ASSEMBLE COMPUTERAssalamualaikum wr.wb He ... Meet again By Muhammad Hidalgo Here Ane Want Ngejelasin About HOW TO ASSEMBLE COMPUTER The following will be discussed on how to assemble a computer, especially for those who are just learning .. from a few references that I learned .. then the following will be explained step by step how to assemble a computer, hopefully useful
Components of computer assemblers are available on the market with a wide selection of quality and price. By assembling your own computer, we can determine the type of component, capabilities and facilities of the computer according kebutuhan.Tahapan in computer assembly consists of:
A. PreparationB. AssemblingC. TestingD. Handling Problems
Good preparation will facilitate the assembly of the computer and avoids problems that may be related timbul.Hal in preparation include:
Computer Configuration Determination
Kompunen preparation and equipment
Computer Configuration Determination
Computer configuration relates to the determination of types of components and features of the computer and how all the components can work as a computer system according to desire kita.Penentuan starting components of the type of processor, motherboard and other components. Factors suitability or compatibility of the components on the motherboard must be considered, because each type of motherboard supports the type of processor, memory modules, ports and I / O bus is different.
Preparation Components and Supplies
Computer components and assembly equipment for assembly prepared to be prepared in advance to facilitate assembly. Supplies are prepared consisting of:
Computer components
Completeness of components such as wires, screws, jumpers, bolts, etc.
Manuals and reference books from the component
Aids in the form of flat and philips screwdriver
Software operating system, device drivers and application programs.
Needed as a reference manual to know the position of the element connection diagram (connectors, ports and slots) and element configuration (jumpers and switches) and how to setting jumpers and switches are suitable for computer or CD dirakit.Diskette Software is required to install the Operating System, device drivers from the device, and application programs on a computer that is assembled.
Security measures needed to avoid problems such as damage to components by static electric charge, fall, or spill cairan.Pencegahan excessive heat damage due to static electricity by:
Using anti-static wristband or touching a metal surface on the chassis before handling components to remove static charge.
Does not directly touch the electronic components, connectors or circuit paths but hold on a metal or plastic bodies contained in the component.
Stage of the process on a computer assembly consists of:
Preparing the motherboard
Replacing the Processor
Installing the heatsink
Installing the Memory Module
install the motherboard on the casing
Installing the Power Supply
Installing the Motherboard and VGA Cables
Installing the Drive
Install the adapter card
Final Settlement
1. Preparing the motherboard
Check the motherboard manual to locate the jumper settings for CPU speed, speed multiplier and input voltage to the motherboard. Set a jumper according to instructions, set the jumpers wrong voltage can damage the processor.
2. Replacing the Processor
Processor is more easily inserted before the motherboard occupies the casing. How to install the processor socket and the slot type socket berbeda.Jenis
Determine the position of pin 1 on the processor and the processor socket on the motherboard, generally located at the corner marked with dots, triangles or indentation.
Enforce the position of the locking lever to open the socket.
Insert the processor into the socket by first aligning the position of the legs of the processor with the socket holes. Squeeze until there is no gap between the processor with the socket.
Lower the locking lever back.
Type of Slot
Replace buffer (bracket) at the two ends of the slots on the motherboard so that the position of the peg holes with a hole in the motherboard meet
Insert the pegs on a peg and locking peg holes
Slide the card between the retaining processor and press into a hole right through the slot.
3. Installing the Heatsink
The function of heatsink is to remove the heat generated by the processor through the conduction of heat from the processor to optimize heat transfer heatsink.Untuk the heatsink should be fitted tightly on the top of the processor by some as the retaining clip on the heatsink while the contact surface coated conductor panas.Bila gene equipped with a fan heatsink then the power connector on the fan is connected to the fan connectors on the motherboard.
4. Installing the Memory Module
Memory modules are generally installed sequentially from the smallest socket number. The order of installation can be seen from the diagram motherboard.Setiap type of memory module that is SIMM, DIMM and RIMM can be distinguished by the position of the grooves on the sides and bottom of the modul.Cara set for each type of memory module as follows.
Types SIMM
Adjust the position of a notch on the module with the bumps in the slot.
Insert the module by making an oblique angle of 45 degrees to the slot
Push the module straight up in the slot, the locking lever on the slot will automatically lock the module.
Type DIMM and RIMM
How to install the DIMM and RIMM modules together and there is only one way so it will not be reversed because there are two grooves as a guide. The difference DIMM and RIMM at position curve
Lay lock latch on the end of the slot
adjust the position of grooves on the connector module with bumps in the slot. and insert the module into the slot.
Lock latch automatically locks the module in the slot when the module is installed right.
5. Replacing the motherboard on the casing
Motherboard mounted to the chassis with screws and holder (standoff). How to install as follows:
Determine the position of mounting holes for each plastic and metal. The hole for the metal holder (metal spacers) is characterized by a ring at the edge of the hole.
Attach metal or plastic holder on the tray casing according to the position of each corresponding mounting holes on the motherboard.
Place the motherboard on the tray so that the head casing holder out of the hole on the motherboard. Replace the locking screw on each metal holder.
Attach frame I / O ports (I / O Shield) on the motherboard if any.
Replace the casing tray that the motherboard is mounted on the chassis with screws and key.
6. Installing the Power Supply
Several types of casing is equipped with power supply. When the power supply is not included then the way the installation is as follows:
Insert the power supply on the shelf at the back of the casing. Attach the four locking screws.
Connect the power connector from the power supply to the motherboard. ATX power connector types have only one way of installation so it will not be reversed. For this type of non-ATX with two connectors that separate the ground wires should be placed side by side in black and mounted in the middle of the motherboard power connector. Connect the power cord for the fan, if using a fan for cooling the CPU.
7. Installing the Motherboard and VGA Cables
After the motherboard mounted on the casing next step is to install the cable I / O panel on the motherboard and the casing.
Connect the data cable to the floppy drive controller on a floppy connector on the motherboard
Attach the IDE cable to the primary and secondary IDE connector on the motherboard.
For non-ATX motherboard. Connect the serial and parallel port cable to the connector on the motherboard. Note the position of pin 1 to install.
On the back of the casing there is a hole to install additional types of non-slot port. Open the lock plate screw holes covered lalumasukkan port connector port that you want to install and replace a screw back.
When the mouse port on the back of the casing is not available then the mouse connector card must be installed and connected to the mouse connector on the motherboard.
Wiring connectors on the front panel of the switch casing, LED, internal speaker and the port on the front of the casing when plugged into the motherboard there. Check the motherboard diagram to locate the proper connector.
8. Installing the Drive
The procedure to install the hard disk drive, floppy, CD ROM, CD-RW or DVD is the same as follows:
Remove the drive bay cover pellets (space to drive on the casing)
Enter from the front drive bays with first set the jumper settings (as master or slave) on the drive.
Adjust the position of the screw holes on the drive and the casing and replace the retaining screw drive.
Connect the IDE cable connector to the drive and the connector on the motherboard (primary connector is used first)
Repeat steps 1 samapai 4 for each installation of the drive.
If the IDE cable is connected to both drive jumper settings make sure the difference in both the first drive set as master and the other as slave.
Secondary IDE connector on the motherboard can be used to connect two additional drives.
Floppy drive is connected to a special connector on the motherboard floppy
Connect the power cable from the power supply to each drive.
9. Installing the Adapter Card
A common adapter card is installed for video cards, sound, network, modem and SCSI adapters. Video card should generally be mounted and installed prior to any other adapter cards. How to install the adapter:
Hold the adapter card at the edges, avoid touching the components or electronic circuits. Press the card until the connectors fit in the expansion slot on the motherboard
Replace the retaining screw to the chassis card
Reconnect the internal cables to the card, if any.
10. Penyelessaian End
Replace the chassis cover by sliding
connect the cable from the power supply into the wall socket.
Plug the monitor into the video card port.
Plug the telephone cord into the modem port if any.
Connect the keyboard cable connector and plug the mouse into the mouse port or serial poert (depending on the type of mouse).
Connect the other external devices such as speakers, joysticks, and microphones when there are to the corresponding port. Check the manual of the adapter cards to ensure the location of the port.
The new computer is assembled can be tested by running the BIOS setup program. How to do the testing with the BIOS program as follows:
Turn on the monitor and system unit. Note the look of the monitor and the sound from the speakers.
FOST program of the BIOS will automatically detect the hardware installed dikomputer. If there are errors then display a blank monitor and the speaker emits an audible as an indication of an error code. Check the reference BIOS code to find an error indication is meant by a beep code.
If no error occurs then the monitor displays the execution of the POST program. ekan BIOS interrupt button as instructed on the screen to enter the BIOS setup program.
Check all the hardware detection by the BIOS setup program. Some settings may have changed in value, especially the capacity of hard drives and boot sequence.
Save the changes to the settings and exit the BIOS setup.
After exiting the BIOS setup, the computer will load the operating system with appropriate search order settings in the BIOS boot sequence. Insert the bootable diskette or CD containing the operating system to drive the search.
Handling Problems
Problems that commonly occur in computer assembly and handling, among others:
Computer or monitor is not lit, probably caused by the switch or power cord disconnected.
Card adapter not detected due to the installation of card not fitting into the slot /
LED of the hard disk, floppy or CD burning continues due to an error existing wiring connectors or pins are not connected right. Good luck and I hope helpful.
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