cards that we use in our everyday life, including the items that could
be considered highly sensitive and easily damaged. Among
the causes could be due to the excessive heat it receives, the
influence of strong magnetic fields, and also be in the form of physical
damage, that is our fault when removing or putting back into the memory
slot. Other causes can also be because too often transferred pindahkannya memory card to another device.
Because it is not uncommon and often we know the name of memory corrupted or damage that occurs on the file system (instead of physical damage from the memory). One of the characteristics of the memory can not be detected, or it can also be detected but could not be opened. Here are some ways you can use if you experience the same things that I mentioned above.
Format by using a card reader connected to PC
Remove the memory card from your phone, then plug it into a memory card reader correctly. Need I remind you, do not carelessly remove the memory of your phone, because it can damage your own memory. In today's phones have been widely available hotswap memory, therefore you must use the "Remove Memory" on your phone memory before it is revoked when the phone is still active. But if your phone does not have a menu "Remove Memory", you should turn off cell phones before the memory is released.
Find a memory card drive (viewable in the Windows menu Eksploler), for example on the drive (D, E, F, G, H or other). Well, if your memory is read, so click the right mouse button, and choose 'Format'. It will appear the choice of formats (FAT, FAT32 and NTSC), so make sure you select FAT file system format.
Click the "Format Now" and wait until the finish. But if the message 'error' or can not format the PC again, then you can use other ways of using the format of the Command menu.
Format by using the Command
On your PC, click 'Start'> Run, and type CMD. Then the Command window will appear at the DOS prompt mode.
Next type FORMAT h: / FS: FAT (h = the drive where the memory card, if the memory card is located on drive g, then you just write g)
Wait until the finish. If the problem persists on your memory card, you can try again using another memory card reader. But if there is still the same thing, chances are your memory card has been corrupted and can not be repaired again. You can redeem the memory card is, of course, if still within warranty.
Format by using the Software
Besides the way I have mentioned above, format the memory card problem can also be done by using special software. As MMCmedic software that is specific to the MMC card. If you need it, you can download here
Because it is not uncommon and often we know the name of memory corrupted or damage that occurs on the file system (instead of physical damage from the memory). One of the characteristics of the memory can not be detected, or it can also be detected but could not be opened. Here are some ways you can use if you experience the same things that I mentioned above.
Format by using a card reader connected to PC
Remove the memory card from your phone, then plug it into a memory card reader correctly. Need I remind you, do not carelessly remove the memory of your phone, because it can damage your own memory. In today's phones have been widely available hotswap memory, therefore you must use the "Remove Memory" on your phone memory before it is revoked when the phone is still active. But if your phone does not have a menu "Remove Memory", you should turn off cell phones before the memory is released.
Find a memory card drive (viewable in the Windows menu Eksploler), for example on the drive (D, E, F, G, H or other). Well, if your memory is read, so click the right mouse button, and choose 'Format'. It will appear the choice of formats (FAT, FAT32 and NTSC), so make sure you select FAT file system format.
Click the "Format Now" and wait until the finish. But if the message 'error' or can not format the PC again, then you can use other ways of using the format of the Command menu.
Format by using the Command
On your PC, click 'Start'> Run, and type CMD. Then the Command window will appear at the DOS prompt mode.
Next type FORMAT h: / FS: FAT (h = the drive where the memory card, if the memory card is located on drive g, then you just write g)
Wait until the finish. If the problem persists on your memory card, you can try again using another memory card reader. But if there is still the same thing, chances are your memory card has been corrupted and can not be repaired again. You can redeem the memory card is, of course, if still within warranty.
Format by using the Software
Besides the way I have mentioned above, format the memory card problem can also be done by using special software. As MMCmedic software that is specific to the MMC card. If you need it, you can download here
Memory card yang biasa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita termasuk kepada barang yang bisa dibilang sangat sensitif dan mudah rusak. Diantara penyebabnya bisa jadi karena Panas yang berlebihan yang diterimanya, pengaruh medan magnet yang kuat, dan juga bisa dalam bentuk kerusakan fisik, yaitu karena kesalahan kita sewaktu mencabut atau memasukkannya kembali ke slot memori. Penyebab lainnya juga bisa karena terlalu sering dipindah-pindahkannya kartu memori tersebut ke perangkat lain.
Karena itu tidak jarang dan sering sekali kita mengenal yang namanya memori corrupt atau kerusakan yang terjadi pada sistem file (bukan kerusakan fisik dari memori tersebut). Salah satu ciri-cirinya yaitu memori menjadi tidak dapat terdeteksi, atau dapat juga terdeteksi tetapi tidak bisa dibuka. Berikut beberapa cara yang dapat anda gunakan jika anda mengalami hal yang sama dengan yang saya sebutkan diatas.
Format dengan menggunakan card reader yang terhubung ke PC
- Keluarkan kartu memori dari ponsel anda, kemudian masukkan ke memori card reader dengan benar. Perlu saya ingatkan, jangan sembarangan mencabut memori dari ponsel anda, karena dapat merusak memori anda sendiri. Pada ponsel-ponsel sekarang memang telah banyak terdapat memori hotswap, oleh karena itu anda harus menggunakan menu “Remove Memory” pada ponsel anda sebelum memori dicabut ketika ponsel masih aktif. Namun jika ponsel anda tidak memiliki menu “Remove Memory”, sebaiknya nonaktifkan ponsel terlebih dahulu sebelum memorinya tersebut dikeluarkan.
- Cari drive kartu memori (dapat dilihat di menu Windows Eksploler), misalnya pada drive (D,E,F,G,H atau lainnya). Nah, jika memori anda sudah terbaca, seterusnya klik tombol kanan mouse, dan pilih menu ‘Format’. Maka akan muncul pilihan jenis format (FAT, FAT32 dan NTSC), karena itu pastikan anda memilih sistim format file FAT.
- Klik tombol ‘Format Now’ dan tunggu hingga selesai. Namun jika muncul pesan ‘error’ atau PC tidak bisa memformat lagi, maka anda bisa menggunakan cara lain yaitu format menggunakan menu Command.
Format dengan menggunakan Command
- Pada PC anda, klik ‘start’ > Run, dan ketik CMD. Maka jendela Command akan terlihat pada mode DOS prompt.
- Selanjutnya ketik FORMAT h: / FS:FAT (h=drive letak kartu memori, jika kartu memori terletak di drive g, maka anda tinggal tulis g)
- Tunggu hingga selesai. Jika masih muncul masalah pada kartu memori anda, anda bisa mencobanya lagi dengan menggunakan memory card reader lain. Tetapi jika masih terdapat hal yang sama, kemungkinan kartu memori anda telah rusak dan tidak bisa diperbaiki kembali. Anda dapat menukarkan kembali kartu memori tersebut, tentunya jika masih dalam waktu garansi.
Format dengan menggunakan Software
Selain dengan cara yang telah saya sebutkan diatas, memformat kartu memori yang bermasalah juga bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan software khusus. Seperti software MMCmedic yang khusus untuk kartu MMC. Jika anda membutuhkannya, anda bisa download disini
Selain dengan cara yang telah saya sebutkan diatas, memformat kartu memori yang bermasalah juga bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan software khusus. Seperti software MMCmedic yang khusus untuk kartu MMC. Jika anda membutuhkannya, anda bisa download disini
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